Thursday, 20 June 2013

"Adventure is worthwhile."

When i was younger i used to love going about my day with a bag full of 'stuff', whether it was a back pack full of my home made Goonies style gadgets or a bumbag crammed with general items to aid my advantages (it was the 80's don't judge me). I'm really not sure why i needed these bags of items but most days before playing out with my friends i could be found packing my essentials. 

Last night Mrs M sent me a link to a Buzz Lightyear back pack for Opeie (as he's loving Buzz at the moment) and it reminded me or my adventure days so this morning after dropping the troops where they needed to be me and the boy headed out looking for said bag. 

It didn't take us long to find it and Opeie couldn't wait to fill it with toys and get it on, Although people have said it many times, today was the first time i really saw a lot of myself in Opeie. After lunch and before picking Seth up we headed over to the park and Opeie couldn't wait to take his new accessory on a proper test drive.

I love going to the park, Its a great way to fill an hour here or there and it always makes Opeie so happy, it helped that the weather was great today so we were there for a good hour. Opeie didn't actually take any of the toys from his bag but it was cute that he kept it on most of the time at the park. Ill teach him him how to pack an adventure bag over the coming years though ready for many a day out.


  1. Annie got a new backpack for her birthday and has worn it everywhere filled with books, toys and random household items!
    Opeie looks like such a big kid in his hat and bag, please tell him to slow down a bit on the growing up!

    1. We tell him that all the time but he doesn't take a blind bit of notice. he does look so much more grown up the last week or so. Nice to hear that Annie has an adventure back too, were slowly forming our own cast of the Goonies. "Heeeeey you guys" xx

  2. Stupid blogger . Awww ! He looks adorable . What a little treasure . That outfit is too cute !!!! X


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